Set Up Best Successors

When you enable Artificial Intelligence (AI) based candidate recommendations for succession plans, succession plan owners can view the most suitable candidates to include in the succession plan.

Before you start

First, your organization needs to ensure that these tasks are completed:
  • Migrate to Enhanced Talent Profiles.
  • Set up job model profiles and person profiles. Associate job model profiles with jobs.
  • Set up position profiles. Associate position profiles with job model profiles.
  • Associate employees with a job.
  • Activate AI apps and ingest data.
  • Activate AI Talent Best Match feature.

Configure Profile Options

You need to configure profile options related to the Best Successors feature to view AI based candidate recommendations. Use the Manage Administrator Profile Values task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to configure the values of the profile options listed in this table.

Profile Option Code Profile Option Name Value to Set Effect of Enabling
ORA_HRM_ENABLE_AI_CANDIDATE_RECOMMENDATIONS Succession AI Candidate Recommendations Enabled Y Users can add AI recommended candidates to succession plans.
ORA_HRM_AI_CANDIDATE_RECOMMENDATIONS_LIMIT Maximum Number of AI-Recommended Candidates to Show A number less than 50 The number of candidate recommendations shown to users corresponds to the value specified.
Note: The default value is 5.