How You Connect with Career Ambassadors

Connect with career ambassadors and enhance your career growth. You can view suitable career ambassadors on your Skills Center if your organization has enabled this feature.

To generate career ambassador recommendations, your Talent profile is compared with the profile of persons who have careers you can move to or you're interested and in and who have volunteered to be career ambassadors.

On the Skills Center banner, you can see only one career ambassador recommendation. Click the recommended career ambassador’s name to view the Connections profile page of that person.

Career Ambassadors on Skill Details Page

Career ambassador suggestions are based on the skills that you've identified as the skills that you’re developing on your Skills Center page and your Talent profile. When you click a skill name on the Skills Center, you see the skill details page. You can see people who meet these criteria suggested as your career ambassadors:

  • They should have signed up to be a career ambassador on their Connections page.
  • Their proficiency level for that skill is greater than that of yours.

Ambassadors are listed in the descending order of the endorsements that they have for a skill.

Career Ambassadors on Career Details Page

When you explore careers on the Skills Center, you can see career cards. Click a career card to view how well you qualify for that career in the career details page. You can also see career ambassador recommendations for that career in the Resources you can use section. Note that you can see career ambassadors only when you view the career details page from the Skills Center.

You'll see people who meet these criteria suggested as your career ambassadors:

  • They should have signed up to be a career ambassador on their Connections page.
  • Their current or past job title needs to closely match the career you're viewing.
  • They have a role that's senior to your role.
  • They have skills that match the skills that you needs to develop for the career. These include skills that you currently don't have or have but not at the proficiency level required for that career.

The career ambassadors suggested can help you close the gaps you have for that career.