How Performance Documents are Processed During Legal Employer Changes

Here’s what happens to performance documents during a local and global transfer and a mass legal employer change.

Flow Who performs this action and on whom What happens to performance documents Effective from date
Local and Global Transfer Both HR specialists and line managers can perform this action on one employee at a time.

There’s an option to transfer the performance goals and documents to the employee’s new assignment created by the global transfer. This transfers all the performance documents for the employee regardless of whether it’s a HR specialist or a manager performing the global transfer.

If the Transfer current performance documents for which I am the manager to the new line manager setting is enabled and a new manager has been selected as part of the global transfer and a manager performs the global transfer, then the performance documents are transferred to the new assignment and any performance documents that the manager is responsible for are also transferred to the new manager.

For HR, the setting doesn’t apply since they are unlikely to be the performance document manager for any of the employees’ performance documents.

Changes made on the system date or in the past are processed immediately. Changes dated for the future will be processed on the date of the global transfer.
Mass Legal Employer Change Only HR specialists can perform this action on multiple employees at the same time This mass process includes an option to transfer the performance goals and documents for all the selected employees to the new assignments created by the transfer. However, there’s no option to choose the manager and hence there’s no option to transfer the performance documents to a new manager. Mass legal employer changes made on the system date or in the past are processed immediately. Changes dated for the future will be processed only if the Move Performance Goals and Documents process is also scheduled to run on the same day as the legal employer change.