Apply Bulk Actions to Pool Members

You can apply a bulk action to up to 50 pool members on the pool member candidates page. This means you can send a message to up to 50 pool members at a time, or add up to 50 pool members at a time to a requisition.

Before you start

You need the role Manage Candidate Pool (IRC_MANAGE_CANDIDATE_POOL_PRIV_OBI).

Here's what to do

  1. On a candidate pool member page, search for members, and filter if necessary until there are 50 or fewer in the results list.
  2. Click the select all check box next to the Actions menu.
    This check box only becomes available for use when the search reults contain 50 or fewer results.
    Clicking this check box selects all pool members in the search results, even if they're not immediately available on the page. You can click Load More to show more.
  3. Select an action from the Action menu.
  4. Click Save and Close.