Candidate Job Application

A candidate job application is a record containing information that the candidate provided when applying for a job. It also contains information about the progression of the job application in the candidate selection process.

External candidate job applications display content sections as configured in the apply flow and request information flow for the requisition. Whereas internal candidate job applications display content sections that Recruiting subscribes to.

You can access candidate job applications from the Job Requisitions list and the job requisition Overview section. When you view the list of job applications for a job requisition, you can:

  • Navigate through candidate job applications.
  • Sort and filter candidate job applications.
  • Search for specific candidate job applications.
  • Take actions such as moving candidate job applications in the candidate selection process, adding the candidate to candidate pools, adding interactions, send messages, confirming unconfirmed job applications.
  • See a blue dot next to a candidate job application when you open it for the first time. The dot disappears when you open the job application.