Candidate Pool

You use candidate pools to group candidates and manage sourcing activities for either a current job position or a future job position that you will potentially fill.

With candidate pools, you can refine a list of candidates to remove unqualified candidates and at the same time, nurture candidates that you want to pursue.

Candidate pools can be one of two kinds:

  • Private: Only the owner of the candidate pool can access the pool.

  • Shared: The owner of the candidate pool can grant other users access to the candidate pool contents and actions available to the pool itself. When the pool is shared, all users who have access to the pool are listed as pool owners and they can perform these actions:

    • Add and remove candidates from the candidate pool

    • Add candidates to a job requisition

    • Add candidates to another candidate pool

When you view the list of candidate pools, you can use filters to narrow down the list of pools. There's a filter criteria called Talent Community Sites. The values displayed represent active and inactive sites. Inactive sites are shown in case you still want to see talent through that specific site.