Create a Candidate Profile

You create a candidate profile to quickly capture candidate information.

There are various reasons why you may want to create a candidate profile. For example, a candidate was referred to you and you want to quickly capture contact details of the candidate to coordinate and schedule a conversation with the candidate. Or, you're attending a university event or career fair where you meet potential candidates, and you want to quickly capture candidate information to contact the candidate or potentially screen the candidate later.

You can create a candidate profile from the Candidate Search page, from within a candidate pool, and from the prospect candidate list. Let's say you're on the Candidate Search page:

  1. On the Candidate Search page, click Add.
  2. On the Create Candidate page, enter basic info about the candidate like name, email address, phone number, and the source where the candidate originated.
    When capturing source information, the domain name of the source is captured along with the long URL. The domain name appears in the interface as the display name, whereas the long URL is available in the database for reporting purposes. If a job was posted to LinkedIn using the copy link functionality, the source is categorized as jobshare/linkedin. If the job was posted to LinkedIn in any other way, the source is categorized as social/linkedin.
  3. Decide if you want to display data to the candidate.
    • If you select Yes, the candidate will see the talent profile data you entered when they go through a job application flow, a request information flow, or a talent community flow. Some fields will be prefilled and the candidate will have the ability to edit those values.
    • If you select No, talent profile data will be hidden, and the candidate will see empty fields when going through a job application flow or a request information flow. If the candidate leaves these fields empty, the info previously supplied (by the Recruiting user) is deleted and now empty.
  4. Add attachments such as resumes, cover letters, or miscellaneous documents.
  5. Click Save and Close.


When you save the information, the application checks if the email address entered already exists in the database. If that's the case, you need to enter an alternate email address to create this candidate.

If no duplicate is found, you're presented with a message asking you if you want to go to the candidate profile page to fill in more information about the candidate such as previous work employment, education, licenses, certifications, spoken languages. If you say no, the create page closes and you're taken back to the page where you initiated the create action.

When the candidate for whom you created a profile applies for a job, the candidate reuses the profile you created so that information you entered is kept. For example, if you added the candidate to a job requisition or a candidate pool, the information remains. However, any data supplied by the candidate overwrites the data you entered.