Create a Social Media Campaign

You can create and manage social media posts with personalized landing pages as part of an email marketing campaign. This helps you to widen the target audience of engaged candidates.

  1. Click on the Campaigns tab.
  2. Open a campaign.
  3. Click the Social Media tab.
  4. Click Add.
  5. On the Posts page, enter a name for the post.
  6. Select a channel for the post. Possible options are:
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • LinkedIn
    • Other
  7. Select a landing page or create a new one.
    You can create a simple landing page based on the parent email. With this landing page, you can provide more info than the social media channel allows, capture channel metrics, and capture contact info from social media candidates.
  8. Enter a URL to an image.
  9. Enter an external description for the landing page.
  10. Select a career site where the post will appear.
  11. Click Save.
  12. If you selected to create a landing page, you're taken to the landing page editor. This is where you can select the email previously created for the campaign so that you keep the same branding and consistency. You can also add elements to the page such as headline, paragraph, text, image, button, job list. If you add the Capture Candidate Info element, you can capture basic information from candidates who visit the landing page so that they may join the talent community.
  13. On the Posts page, select Activate in the post's Actions menu.
    This creates a URL for the post.


When candidates click the Join Talent Community button on the landing page, the application captures their visit. You get basic metrics from the social media posts and can evaluate the effectiveness of each post and channel. To see those metrics, go to the Overview tab of the campaign. Metrics are displayed in the Social Media Metrics section.