Create a Standard Job Requisition Linked to a Pipeline Job Requisition

When a pipeline requisition is created and approved, you can create a standard requisition that's linked to the pipeline requisition.

You can create a linked requisition from a template, a position, an existing requisition, or from a blank requisition. The default choice is to create it from an existing requisition and the pipeline requisition is selected by default. You use this standard requisition to hire candidates who were initially gathered on a pipeline requisition. You can have multiple standard requisitions linked to the same pipeline requisition.
  1. Open the pipeline job requisition.
  2. In the Linked Requisitions section, click Add.
  3. Select Create Job Requisition.
  4. Complete fields as for a standard job requisition.
  5. Click Submit.

What to do next

Link a Job Requisition to a Pipeline Requisition