Fill a Job Requisition Manually

You can fill job requisitions manually when the required number of candidates was hired for the job, regardless of the number of active candidates on the requisition.

You can't fill a job requisition if candidate job applications have these statuses:

  • Offer - Pending Approval: To close the job requisition, the candidate job application must be withdrawn from the offer approval cycle by the submitter or it must be rejected by the approver.

  • Offer - Extended: The job requisition can't be filled if a job offer was extended to a candidate. To close the job requisition, the candidate need to accept the job offer so that you can start the HR phase to hire the candidate. Or, you can reject the candidate manually and inform the candidate.

  • Offer - Accepted or other active states in any custom phase that's been configured after the Offer phase: The job requisition can't be filled if a job offer was accepted by a candidate and is still active. To close the job requisition, the candidate job application must either be moved into the HR phase where it's considered inactive and successful, or moved into the state Rejected or Withdrawn by Candidate where it's considered inactive.

  1. On the Job Requisitions page, open a job requisition that's in phase Open, except Open - Canceled and Open - Filled.
  2. In the Actions menu, select Fill Job Requisition.


Here's what happens next:
  • If the number of candidates is 50 or less, the fill action is done immediately.

  • If the number of candidates is higher than 50, a message is displayed explaining that the requisition will soon be filled. While waiting for the requisition to be filled, you can continue working on the requisition and its job applications. For instance, you can close the requisition manually, you can disposition job applications manually.

  • The job requisition is removed from the Job Requisitions list as it's filtered out by default.

  • The state of active candidates who applied on the job requisition is changed to Rejected.

  • When the fill action is complete, you will receive a notification containing info about the number of job applications that were processed for each of theses statuses:

    • Succeeded: Job applications that were successfully processed.

    • Failed: Job applications that weren't successfully processed.

    • Skipped: Job applications that didn't need to be processed.

What to do next

To view job requisitions that were filled, use the Include Inactive Requisitions filter on the Job Requisitions list.