How You Move Candidates in the Candidate Selection Process

You move candidates in the candidate selection process by selecting the phase and state where you want to move the job applications.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • You can only move candidate job applications that are active, confirmed, and have no job offer.

  • You can move candidate job applications back and forth within the states of a phase.

  • You can only move candidate job applications forward in a later phase of the candidate selection process. To move a candidate to a prior phase, you need to use the Return to Prior Phase action.

  • When you move one candidate job application, the phase defaults to the current phase. When you move more than one candidate job application, the phase defaults to the first phase of the candidate selection process, not the current phase.
  • You can bypass phases if they're configured as not required. To do so, you need the privilege Move Candidate Job Applications Ignoring Constraints (IRC_MOVE_CANDIDATE_JOB_APPLICATION_SKIPPING_MANDATORY_PHASES), which is granted by default to recruiters.

If your administrator defined move conditions on a given candidate selection process state, you can't move job applications until the conditions are met. You can however manually move job applications regardless of the move conditions if you have the privilege Move Candidate Job Applications Ignoring Constraints (IRC_MOVE_CANDIDATE_JOB_APPLICATION_SKIPPING_MANDATORY_PHASES). Here's an example: Your administrator defined a condition to prevent moving job applications when a background check was initiated but the results haven't been returned yet. While the background check request is in progress, you can't move job applications to a different phase or state. Once background check results are received, you can move job applications.

Note: A condition can prevent moving candidates forward. Even if the condition isn't met, you can still use the Return to Prior Phase action.