Review and Assign Candidates to Gigs

Gig creators can use Opportunity Marketplace to find created gigs, review details about the applicants, and assign the applicants to gigs.

In Opportunity Marketplace, click Created Gigs. All created gigls are listed in one of several sections:
  • Active - Published gigs that aren't completed or cancelled. Use this section to see how many people have applied for gigs, review their details, and assign them to gigs. For active gigs, you can:
    • Unpublish a gig. Unpubishing withdraws a gig from Opportunity Marketplace so that it's not available for employees to apply to unless it's republished.
    • Duplicate a gig as a draft which creates a new gig based on an existing gig. Duplicates are added to the Drafts section.
    • Cancel a gig. Once canceled, it's not availble in Opportunity Marketplace.
    • Edit a gig to update the gig details.
  • History - Completed or cancelled gigs.
  • Drafts - Saved gigs that aren't yet published or active. Use this section to find draft gigs that need to be edited or published. You can also create a new gig by duplicating the content of a draft gig. For these gigs, you can:
    • Duplicate a gig as a draft which creates a new gig based on an existing gig. Duplicates are added to the Drafts section.
    • View an assignee’s profile in Connections.
    • Contact an assignee of a gig.

Review Applicants and Assign them to Gigs

After a gig is published, and people apply for it, you can review the applicants, and assign the ones you want to the gig. You can review applicants using the following information:

  • Applications. During the application process, applicants provided details about why they are interested in applying for a gig. This forms a good basis for understanding an applicant's interests and passions.
  • Connections profile. Connections provides a full profile view for an applicant (referred to as “employee” in Connections), including education, experience, interests, skills, and demographic profile.

To assign an applicant to a gig:

  1. In Opportunity Marketplace, click Created Gigs.
  2. Find an active gig and open it.
  3. Click the candidate count to open a list of applicants. This list contains basic profile information about each of them, including whether they've completed or participated in any gigs in the past, and any reviews provided by their peers.
  4. Select a candidate and click View Profile to see a full candidate profile on Connections.

    If Dynamic Skills is enabled, you can also see the list of gig skills that match with the skills of the candidates. Oracle Dynamic Skills is a separately sold product.

  5. Click Assign.
    Once the candidate is assigned to the gig, the following actions are available:
    • Mark as Complete - mark the gig as complete. This moves them to the History section.
    • View Details - view information about the gig.
    • Contact Assignee - Send email messages to an applicant who was selected for the gig.
    • Duplicate as Draft - Create a new gig based on an existing gig. Duplicates are added to the Drafts section.
    • Release Assignee - lets you release an assignee from the gig.