Similar Candidates

When the Intelligent Matching features are enabled within your organization, you can find candidates that have similar traits with an existing candidate.

The Similar Candidates feature increases your productivity, helps reduce the time in the overall candidate selection process, and improves the quality of selected candidates. The Similar Candidates feature uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine-learning algorithms to suggest similar candidates. You can benefit most from the feature when you're hiring for professional or skilled positions where the number of candidates is reasonably high. You spend less time manually screening resumes, while still sourcing and recruiting the best talent.

This feature is available for candidates, prospects, and candidate pool members. You can view a maximum of 30 similar candidates based on a specific candidate profile.

Your administrator may have defined a list of countries for which the Similar Candidates feature is hidden. If the posting location of a job requisition is part of the list of countries defined by your administrator:

  • The Similar Candidates tab in candidate profiles, prospect records, and candidate pool members isn’t displayed.