How Managers View Succession Organization Chart

Managers can view a succession organization chart if they have the View Succession Org Chart by Manager function security privilege.

Managers can use the Succession Organization Chart Quick Action available in My Team to view their succession organization chart. Managers with multiple assignments can search and select any one of their assignments to view the succession organization chart relevant to that assignment. On the Succession Organization Chart page, they can search for and select a person in their hierarchy to view that person’s succession organization chart.

When viewing the direct report’s succession organization chart, managers can do these actions:

  • Add the direct report as a candidate to a succession plan that they own.
  • Create a succession plan for the direct report.

Managers can add themselves as a candidate to a succession plan or create succession plans for themselves only if they have the required privilege.

Note that managers can’t do these actions when they navigate to the succession plan details page from the succession organization chart:

  • Click on a candidate's name to go to their Spotlight page.
  • Click the Add to Pool button to add a candidate to a talent pool.
  • Find best-fit candidates to add to a succession plan.
  • Add artificial intelligence (AI) recommended candidates to a succession plan.