Performance Goal Payload Attributes

You use the performance goal payload attributes when defining approval conditions in Transaction Console.

Approval Condition

Condition Attribute

Attribute Value to Enable Manual Approval


New Goal

Performance Goals.Goal Created Flag


Indicates that a goal is created

Updated Goal

Performance Goals.Goal Updated Flag


Indicates that a goal is updated

Delete Goal

Performance Goals.Goal Deleted Flag


Indicates that a goal is deleted

Cancel Goal

Performance Goals.Status Code


Indicates that a goal is canceled

Completed Goal

Performance Goals.Status Code


Indicates that a goal is completed

Updated Key Attribute

Performance Goals.Legacy Key Attribute Updated


Indicates that key attributes are updated in a goal

Success Criteria Updated Flag

Performance Goals.Success Criteria Updated Flag


Indicates that the success criteria of the performance goal is updated

  • Measurement Created Flag

  • Measurement Updated Flag

  • Measurement Deleted Flag

  • Performance Goals.Measurement Created Flag

  • Performance Goals.Measurement Updated Flag

  • Performance Goals.Measurement Deleted Flag

  • Y

  • Y

  • Y

  • Indicates that a goal measurement is added

  • Indicates that a goal measurement is updated

  • Indicates that a goal measurement is deleted

  • Task Created Flag

  • Task Updated Flag

  • Task Deleted Flag

  • Performance Goals.Task Created Flag

  • Performance Goals.Task Updated Flag

  • Performance Goals.Task Deleted Flag

  • Y

  • Y

  • Y

  • Indicates that a task is added to a performance goal

  • Indicates that a goal task is updated

  • Indicates that a goal task is deleted

  • Share Created Flag

  • Share Deleted Flag

  • Performance Goals.Share Created Flag

  • Performance Goals.Share Deleted Flag

  • Y

  • Y

  • Indicates if a share request is created for a performance goal

  • Indicates if a shared performance goal has been deleted in the goal plan

  • Align Created Flag

  • Align Deleted Flag

  • Performance Goals.Align Created Flag

  • Performance Goals.Align Deleted Flag

  • Y

  • Y

  • Indicates if an alignment request is created for a performance goal

  • Indicates if an existing alignment for a performance goal has been marked for deletion

Goal Source Code

Performance Goals.Goal Source Code

  • HR





A code that identifies who added the performance goal to the goal plan, which can be HR specialist, manager, or worker.

Goal Sub Type Code

Performance Goals. Goal Sub Type Code

Any user defined value

A code that indicates the subtype of the performance goal

Note: You can use subtypes to further classify a goal. You can configure subtypes based on your business requirements.


Performance Goals.Weighting

A value between 0 and 999

Weight of the goal in the goal plan

Priority Code

Performance Goals.Priority Code

  • HIGH


  • LOW

Priority of the goal, which can be High, Medium, or Low

Target Completion Date

Performance Goals.Completion Date

A user defined date

Indicates when the performance goal is targeted to be completed

Private Flag

Performance Goals.Private Flag


Indicates that the performance goal is a private goal