Career Site Page Types and Layout

You can use different types of pages when you create an external career site and you can configure these pages by defining their layout, background, and elements.

The following types of career site pages are available:

  • Splash Page: This is the page that candidates first see on the career site. This is often the central panel of the career site.
  • Search Results Page: These are the pages that display when candidates perform a search or select a link that displays a list of current jobs.
  • Job Details Page: These are the pages that display when candidate select a job from the search results to view more details. This page is the entry to the application process through the Apply Now action.
  • Custom Page: These pages are primarily used to provide greater detail about the company, organization, culture, or any other information that provides a rich candidate experience.

Pages are based on the design principle of the design grid. Pages are created using sections, rows, columns, and elements. Pages can have several sections, sections can have several rows, and columns can have several elements.

When you add a section to a page, you can add predefined column layouts using the Actions menu located on the left side of the section. When you're creating your column layouts, note that if you go from a 5-column layout for example, to a 3 column layout, columns and design elements within them will get deleted. Using the Actions menu on the right side, you can add a background color, image, or a video to a section. For videos, enter a YouTube URL or a URL to a mp4 file. Using the Elements menu, you can add and format elements such as headline, paragraph, image, and so on.

Pages can have different common elements, and these elements can be configured.

Common Element Description
Heading The heading element can be configured to insert HI, H2, H3, and other headings into the page.
Paragraph The paragraph element can be configured to insert text into the page.
Image The image element can be configured to insert images into the page.
Video The video element can be configured to insert video into the page.
Button The button element can be configured to insert a button or text link into the page.
Space The space element is a convenient method to add verticle white space to a page without using margin and padding settings. Spacers of up to 400 pixels high can be added to any row and can be stacked to create larger areas.
Rule The rule element can be inserted to create a break between areas of a page. Width, color, alignment, margins can be defined.
Job List The job list element displays a list of current jobs based on keyword, location, or job family and other criteria. Jobs might be displayed with a short description, long description, or no description.
HTML The HTML element puts pure HTML on the page that can be styled via the Custom CSS area of the Theme tab. This is to account for situations where the native element doesn't meet the desired need.
Talent Community The Talent Community element provides the ability to place a talent community button that takes the candidate to the talent community profile creation screen. The button's style is based off of the theme colors in the Theme tab and can't be configured.
Recommended Jobs Based on Resume The Recommended Jobs Based on Resume allows candidates to get a weighted list of recommended jobs based on their uploaded resume. Results are weighted based on current job title, location, and skills.

Each page type has its own specific elements.

Page Type Specific Element
Splash Page
  • Search Box
  • Search Categories
  • Scroll Indicator
Search Results Page
  • Search Bar
  • Search Results
  • Filter Results
Job Details Page
  • Apply Now Button
  • Media
  • Recommended Jobs
  • Section Areas
  • Job Flags
  • Page Options