Collect Additional Candidate Details Using Extensible Flexfields

You can collect data from external candidates using job application flow blocks which contain predefined seeded content types or data blocks.

You can configure your own set of data blocks and add them to the job application flow to collect additional details from candidates. For example, you may want to collect details about the job references of a candidate, their hobbies, their special interests, or special needs to attend an interview. Additional details provided by candidates are available in their job application, in the Extra Info tab. Once a candidate is hired, the info is available in the Manage Person's page, in the Extra Information section.

Here's what to do

  1. Create the Context for Flexfields

  2. Define Display Type as List of Values

  3. Attach the Context to the Person Extra Information Category

  4. Add the Context to a Page

  5. Deploy Flexfields

  6. Add the Context to the Application Flow

Create the Context for Flexfields

You first need to create the context where extensible flexfields (EFFs) will be added. The Person EIT Information EFFs are used for this feature. Examples of a context could be Hobby or Job References.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the task Manage Extensible Flexfields.

  2. On the Manage Extensible Flexfields page, search for the Person EIT Information name.

  3. In the Search Results section, click the Edit icon.

  4. On the Edit Extensible Flexfield: Person EIT Information page, click the Manage Contexts button.

  5. On the Manage Contexts page, click the Create icon in the Search Results section.

  6. On the Create Context page, configure the context.

    • Enter values for Display Name, Code, API Name, Behavior.

    • On the Context Usages tab, click the Create icon to define the usage of the context. Select Usage Code for Person to display the information to candidates, and Usage Code for Candidate Application to display the information to recruiters in job applications. Usage Code for Person and Usage Code for Candidate Application are both required for the context to appear in the Extra Information block of the job application flow.

  7. Click Save.

  8. In the Context Sensitive Segments section, click the Create icon to add attributes to the context. See next section for details on the display type.

  9. Click Save and Close.

  10. On the Edit Context page, click Save and Close.

  11. On the Manage Context page, click Save and Close.

Define Display Type as List of Values

When you create a new context in the Context Sensitive Segments section, it's recommended to define the display type as List of Values (LOV).

  1. On the Create Segment page, go to the Display Properties section.

  2. In the Display Type field, select List of Values.

  3. Configure the remaining fields.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Note: Table-based value sets with lists of values (LOV) isn't supported for extensible flexfields (EFFs) on job applications. While adding attributes to the context, create a lookup in Common Lookups, build the value set based on the lookup, and link to the context segment validation. This will allow a list of values to be displayed on the candidate application page.

If a value set doesn't already exist for the EFFs:

  1. On the Create Segment page, click the View Value Set button.

  2. Configure the value set properties.

  3. Click Save and Close to return to the Create Segment page.

If you need to create a lookup for the value set:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the task Manage Common Lookups.

  2. On the Manage Common Lookups page, click the Create icon.

  3. Configure the lookup type, meaning, and description. In the Module field, select Recruiting.

  4. When you configure the lookup codes, use SQL to obtain the values.

  5. Click Save and Close.

Attach the Context to the Person Extra Information Category

Once the context is created, you need to attach it to the Person Extra Information category.

  1. On the Edit Extensible Flexfield: Person EIT Information page, in the Category section, select Person Extra Information.

  2. In the Person Extra Information section, click the Associated Contexts tab, then click the Select and Add icon.

  3. Search for the context you created.

  4. Click OK.

Add the Context to a Page

You then need to add the context to an existing page or a new page.

  1. On the Edit Extensible Flexfield: Person EIT Information page, go to the Person Extra Information section and click the Pages tab.

  2. Select a page or create a new one.

  3. Click Save.

  4. In the Associated Context Details section, click the Select and Add icon to associate the context to the page.

  5. Click OK.

Deploy Flexfields

Finally, you need to deploy the flexfields to make them available in the UI.

  1. On the Manage Extensible Flexfields page, search for the Person EIT Information name.

  2. Click Deploy Flexfield..

Add the Context to the Application Flow

You add the context to a job application flow, in the Extra Information block.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience

    • Functional Area: Candidate Experience

    • Task: Job Application Flow Configuration

  2. On the Job Application Flows page, click Create.

  3. Enter a name and a code.

  4. In the Application Flow Type field, select Apply.

  5. Configure the flow as any job application flow.

  6. When creating a version of the flow, add the Extra Information block to the desired section of the flow.

  7. Click the Extra Information block title.

  8. Select the context you created.

  9. You can change the block headline and instructions.

  10. You can add several Extra Information blocks, as needed.

  11. Click Save.