Configure E-Signature on Accepted Offer Letters

The e-signature section in the accepted offer letter can show content appropriate to the situation. The e-signature configuration depends on whether or not your organization allows recruiters to adjust offer letters using the original method or the resolved-tokens method.

E-Signature Within Offer Letter Templates

When candidates provide their full name to accept their job offer, the time, date, and IP address of their acceptance is tracked. Many companies consider this level of validation and tracking to be a light electronic signature. If a recruiter accepts a job offer on behalf of the candidate, similar information is also tracked: the name of the user and the time and date of this acceptance. All of these values can be configured to become part of the offer letter, visible in an e-signature section at the end of the letter when the candidate or any other user views the letter after it was accepted.

Conditional regions in the offer letter template (.rtf file) can be configured to display this acceptance-related information as an e-signature section of each candidate's offer letter, only if the offer is accepted. For instance, one tailored sentence or bullet point can state that the candidate provided their response from a given IP address. If that is accurate, an alternate sentence or bullet point can state that a given member of the offer team recorded the candidate's acceptance on a given date. The conditional configuration would ensure that only the appropriate one will be seen in a given offer letter that has been accepted, and that neither will be displayed when users view the offer during the status Offer - Extended, for instance, or after a redraft that returned the candidate to the status Offer - Draft.

E-Signature in Multiple Languages

If your organization maintains job offer letter templates in different languages, it would be appropriate to configure the e-signature section to appear in each of the languages.

To better explain this scenario, let's use the use cases described in the topic Job Offer Letter Templates for Multiple Languages.

  • For the simple use case, two conditional sections or sentences should be added at the end of each of the four job offer letter templates in the Recruiting Content Library. The two English offer letter templates would contain two conditional English sentences explaining either the candidate's light e-signature acceptance or the recruiter's acceptance on their behalf. The two Spanish offer letter templates would contain two similar conditional Spanish sentences.

  • For the complex use case, there might be a whole set of acceptance-related sections or sentences at the end of each job offer letter template. In this situation, each sentence would specify the conditions in which it should be displayed, driven by the candidate's or the recruiter's acceptance as well as by the language in which the candidate applied to the job.

E-Signature for Adjusted Offer Letter Content

If your business requires offer letters' e-signature sections or sentences to contain any changes from the default seeded template or any variations for different audiences or languages, there might be impacts depending on which method is used for adjusting offer letter content.

  • No adjustments to offer letters: If your organization doesn't allow recruiters to adjust offer letter content, it's only necessary to configure the e-signature conditional section within all the offer letter templates (.rtf files) that go into the Recruiting Content Library. When candidates view their offer letter and when users preview them, the letter will display only the appropriate sentences or bullet points, based on the configured conditions that are relevant for this candidate. These conditions can include multilingual requirements.

  • Download offers without resolved tokens: If your organization allows recruiters to download and adjust offer letters with all tokens (the original method), it's only necessary to configure the e-signature conditional sections within all the offer letter templates (.rtf files) that go into the Recruiting Content Library. When a recruiter selects and downloads the offer letter for a given candidate, they see all the tokens and conditional sentences intended for all possible situations. As long as the recruiter doesn't remove these tokens and conditions, the e-signature section remains in the letter as it gets re-uploaded. Then when candidates view their offer letter and when users preview them, the letter will display only the appropriate sentence or section, in the appropriate language variation if any.

  • Download offers with resolved tokens: If your organization has configured the setting to download offer letters with resolved tokens, it requires dual configuration to consistently display the light e-signature section if you need any variations from the defaults. These variations can be driven by the need to display translations of each sentence in different languages, for instance, or to include less formal wording for certain recruiting types.

    First, the e-signature conditional section must be configured within all the offer letter templates (.rtf files) that go into the Recruiting Content Library. This will be used for all candidates whose offer letter doesn't need to get adjusted by any recruiter. Recruiters merely select the letter from the menu in the offer flow, and never download them, so the template's e-signature related conditions don't get stripped out. So when candidates view their offer letter and when users preview them, there will be an e-signature area displaying the appropriate sentences or information.

    Secondly, another e-signature conditional section can be configured in a shared, central place within BI Publisher, not handled by the Recruiting Content Library. Based on functionality known as subtemplates, a default e-signature area will get added to the end of any offer letter which was downloaded and adjusted by a recruiter. Within this e-signature subtemplate, administrators can configure any number of conditional sentences or bullet points to be added to the end of any offer letter template as desired. This second e-signature subtemplate configuration is necessary because when recruiters use the resolved-token method to download and adjust offer letters, all tokens are resolved and all irrelevant conditions are eliminated from the template. This allows the recruiter to see only the letter content that's appropriate for that given candidate as of that moment. In the status Offer - Draft, there are no acceptance values yet, so the conditional sections for e-signature are removed at the moment of downloading because they're currently irrelevant. Then when the candidate views their offer letter and when users preview it, the adjusted letter without e-signature and the subtemplate with e-signature will get combined.

    If you have BI Publisher authoring capabilities, you can find the original e-signature subtemplate at Human Capital Management > Recruiting > Job Offer > Job Offer Letter E-signature.

    You can create your own version of this subtemplate if you need to display the appropriate flavor of e-signature information for all candidate situations, including different languages according to how the candidate applied to the job. Personalize the original subtemplate, editing it to repeat the desired sentences or bullet points conditionally as many times as needed.