Configure Review Notifications

Review notifications are sent to recruiters and hiring managers to notify them that there are job applications to be reviewed. They can view notifications that were sent and the content of those notifications in the Interactions tab of the candidate job application.

The review notification message is available in the Alerts Composer (Tools > Alerts Composer). Two versions are available, one for the hiring manager and one for the recruiter.

  • IRC_JobApp_Review_HM

  • IRC_JobApp_Review_Recruiter

When notifications are created, you configure the candidate selection process by adding the Send Notification action at the phase level, when job applications enter or exit a phase, or at the state level, when job applications are moved to a specific state within a phase. You then specify if the review notification will be sent to the recruiter, the hiring manager, or both. The review notification is sent once per day if there are new job applications in the configured phase and state combination.