Job Offer Letter Template

A job offer letter is a formal written document given by an employer to a candidate. The letter confirms details of the offer such as the proposed job title, proposed starting date, work location, salary, or other compensation.

To create offer letters for candidates, there should be at least one job offer letter template upon which to base the offer letters. This template provides the formatting, branding, and most of the text that each candidate will see when they receive their offer letter. It also may be configured to contain tokens that are replaced by specific values for each person's offer letter. Some recruiters may be able to download and adjust the contents of each offer letter beyond the template, which is useful for hard-to fill recruiting areas. Then, when each individual offer letter gets presented to the candidate, this template always displays that candidate's specific job title, offer start date, location or any other selected information within the template's format.

A company that uses significantly different text in their offers for different groups of candidates might consider having more than one job offer letter template. Each template could act as a base for each different population of hires. Having a targeted job offer letter template is useful, for example, for external candidates versus internal workers, for hourly versus salaried people, or for offers for different countries. Within each job offer letter template, you can use conditions that show or hide various sentences or area depending on each candidate's values, giving you even more granular control of the content.