Assignment Deletion and Withdrawal Lookup Types for Oracle Learning

These lookup types are the reasons learning administrators delete or withdraw learning assignments. They're also the reasons that learners' withdraw from learning items.

Lookup Type Code Description
ORA_WLF_REC_DELETE_RSN_SPEC The reasons, such as Specialist deleted record, that learning administrators select from when they delete learning assignments.
ORA_WLF_WITHD_RSN_SS The reasons that learners select from when they withdraw from learning items. For example, they withdraw from learning they couldn't attend or that isn't relevant anymore.
ORA_WLF_WITHD_RSN_SPEC The reasons that learning administrators select from when withdrawing learning assignments. For example, they withdraw assignments that learners can't attend or aren't relevant anymore.

You can review the delivered lookups and descriptions using the Manage Common Lookups task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.