Check Data Integrity of Development Goals

Run the Check Goal Data Integrity process to fix issues such as stuck classic transaction and locked development plan when approvals are pending.

To run the Check Goal Data Integrity process, your role must be granted the Run Goals Batch Process (HRG_MANAGE_SCHEDULING_BATCH_PROCESS_PRIV) privilege.

Solutions of the Check Goal Data Integrity Process

This table lists the solutions of the Check Goal Data Integrity process.

Solutions for Career Development Data Issues

Issue Solution
Stuck classic transactions Abort the transactions by updating the transaction status to Aborted.
Locked development plan when approvals are pending Update goal version type code to Active.

Parameters for the Check Goal Data Integrity Process

Only these parameters of the Check Goal Data Integrity process are relevant for checking the integrity of development goals transactions:

  • Action: The action for the integrity check. You can preview the results or update the results. This is based on the Goal Data Integrity Check Action (ORA_HRG_DATA_INTEG_CHEK_ACTION) lookup.
  • Person Number: The person number of the worker whose development plan you want to check. This is an optional parameter.

Process Results

After the Check Goal Data Integrity process completes, download the csv and log files to view the results of the integrity check.