How You Use Development Goals in Talent Pools

As an owner of a talent pool, you add development goals to a talent pool to enable all pool members to achieve the goals for which the talent pool was created.

You need to have the Access Talent Pool Overview privilege to manage development goals added to a talent pool.

Here's how you can navigate to the Talent Pools overview page:

  • Go To My Client Groups > Talent Pools.

  • On the Deep Links page, search for pools, and then select Overview.

How You Add a Development Goal

You can add development goals that are available in the goal library or a free form development goal to a talent pool.

  1. Open the talent pool.

  2. Expand the Development Goals section.

  3. Click Add. You can see the Add Goal page.

  4. To add a library goal, from the Library Goal list, select the development library goal that you want to add.

  5. To create a development goal, specify the name that identifies the development goal in the Goal Name field.
  6. Specify the values listed in this table in the Basic Info section.
    Field Value to Enter
    Description (Optional) A suitable description for the development goal
    Status Not Started
    Start Date Start date for the development goal
    Target Completion Date (Optional) The date by when the development must be completed
    Category (Optional) Development goal category
    Success Criteria (Optional) The criteria that identifies that the user who is assigned the development goal has successfully completed the goal.
  7. Add measurements and tasks if applicable.
  8. Click Save and Close.

How You Assign Development Goals to Pool Members

To assign existing development goals to new talent pool members or to assign newly added development goals to existing talent pool members, click the Assign Goals to Members button in the Development Goals section of the talent pool. A process is initiated to assign the development goals. You can see the process ID in the message that’s displayed.

After the process completes, you can view the development goals in the development plan of the talent pool members.

But remember that if a pool member has an inactive member status or has a terminated assignment, the process that runs after you click the Assign Goals to Members button won’t assign any development goals for that person.

What Happens When You Remove a Development Goal

Did you know that even after you remove a development goal from a pool, the members of the talent pool continue to have the goal assigned to them? To remove the goal from a member's development plan, you need to delete it from the Development Plan section of the member's Career Development page.

Similarly, if a pool member deletes a development goal from their development plan, the development goal added to the talent pool isn’t affected.

What Happens When a Development Goal is Edited after it's Added to a Talent Pool

Let's assume a development goal is edited in the goal library after it was added to a talent pool. You won't see the changes made to the goal automatically. But if you remove the changed goal and add it back again, you can see the updated goal in the pool.

If you change the goal name or attributes directly in a pool member's development plan, the changes won’t be updated in the development goals of the talent pools in which they’re added.

If you change the name or any other attribute of a development goal by editing it in the talent pool, the change is not carried over to the development plan of the pool members. The development plan of existing pool members will continue to show the original development goal. Pool members who are added after the revision will see the updated development goal in their development plan after you click the Assign Goals to Members button.

What Happens When a Talent Pool is Deleted

When you delete a talent pool, the development goals of the pool that were assigned to the pool members continue to be part of their development plan.