Simulate Development Goal Approval Rules

You can now simulate approval rules created for development goals in Transaction Console to test the configured rules and their routing.

Testing rules helps you to incrementally build the approval rule conditional logic. You can assess the impact of the change without having to recreate and submit new transactions.

Before you start

You need to have a role with the Test Approval Rules (PER_TEST_APPROVAL_RULES_PRIV) privilege granted to test approval rules.

Here's what to do

  1. On the Approval Rules tab of the Transaction Console, click the Test Rules icon for the Approve Development Goal rule. If you're an administrator who can configure rules, you can use the Test Rules button on the rule configuration page.

    On the Test Approval Rules: Approve Development Goal page, you can see the saved development goal transactions and those submitted for approval.

  2. Click Simulate for the transaction that you want to simulate the approval rule for.


You can see the simulation result at the bottom of the same page. The result lists these details:

  • Rule name
  • Transaction ID
  • Implemented rules
  • Approval request details
  • Approval history
  • Approval routing

If the simulation isn’t successful, you will see an error message.