Course Assignment Life Cycle Examples for Oracle Learning

Learning assignments can have simple or more advanced life cycles depending on whether the learning includes enrollment and completion options.

The simplest learning assignment life cycle, shown here, is when a learner enrolls or is enrolled in an offering with no enrollment and completion options. The initial assignment status is Not Started until the learner starts an offering activity. Then the status changes to In Progress, where it remains until the learner completes all the required activities. At that point, the assignment status changes to Completed, and the life cycle ends.

Basic assignment life cycle for an offering with no enrollment or completion options.

The life cycle is slightly different when a learner enrolls or is enrolled in a course. They need to select an offering before they complete their learning. As shown here, the initial assignment status is No Offering Selected. After the learner selects an offering, the assignment status changes to Not Started and the life cycle progresses as it did for the offering assignment.

Basic assignment life cycle for a course with no offering selected and no enrollment or completion options.

The assignment life cycle expands when the learning includes completion options. Earlier, the assignment statuses moved from In Progress to Completed after the learner completed all required activities. When learning includes completion options, such as requiring an evaluation as shown here, the assignment status moves from In Progress to Pending Required Evaluation. Only after the learner completes the evaluation does the status move to Completed and the life cycle ends.

Assignment life cycle starting from In Progress with a completion option.

The end of an assignment life cycle changes for self-paced offering activities with completion options that include passing criteria and a specific number of attempts. If the learner fails to pass an offering activity in the allowed number of attempts, the assignment status moves from In Progress to Not Passed.

Assignment life cycle starting from In Progress and ending in Not Passed.

The assignment life cycle expands when the learning includes enrollment options, such as approvals. As shown here, when the learner enrolls or is enrolled in a course offering configured with approvals, the approvers get an enrollment request. If they reject the request, the assignment status changes to Request Rejected and the life cycle ends. If they approve the request, the assignment status changes to Request Approved. If the request requires manual intervention to activate the assignment, the status changes to Pending Fulfillment. If manual intervention isn't required or when the assignment is manually activated, the assignment status changes to Not started.

Assignment life cycle up to Not Started when the learning includes approval enrollment options.

The assignment life cycle changes when the learning includes capacity enrollment options, as shown here. When the learner enrolls or is enrolled in a course offering where enrollment isn't yet at capacity, the assignment status is Not Started. If enrollment is at capacity, the assignment status changes to Waitlisted where it remains until a seat is available. When a seat is available, the status changes to Not Started.

Assignment life cycle up to Not Started when the learning includes capacity rule enrollment options.

And the assignment life cycle changes again when the learning includes prerequisite enrollment options, as shown here. When the learner enrolls or is enrolled in a course and they meet the prerequisites, the assignment status is Not Started. If the learner doesn't meet the prerequisites, the assignment status is Pending Prerequisites. If the learner doesn't achieve the prerequisites in the specified period, the assignment status changes to Deleted. If the learner does achieve the prerequisites in the specified period, the assignment status changes to Not Started.

Assignment life cycle up to Not Started when the learning includes prerequisite enrollment options.

When learning has multiple enrollment options configured, the assignment life cycle handles first approvals, then capacity rules, and finally prerequisites, as shown here.

Assignment life cycle up to Not Started for courses with all possible enrollment options configured.