Generate Demand for an Oracle Learning Course Before Funding the Offerings, Let Learners Enroll, But Require Manual Activation

To avoid funding learning with little interest, let learners enroll in courses and require approval. Enrollment approval should then require a learning administrator to manually activate the learning if there's enough interest and after adding offerings.

Default access configuration for the course:

Field Value Reason
View Mode Details View Everyone can see the available course offerings
Initial Learning Record Status (learner) Requested

Make sure that Activate enrollment requests automatically after approval is clear.

Learners can enroll in the course, but need approval to continue. After enrollment approval, a learning administrator needs to manually activate the learning.
Initial Learning Record Status (manager) Requested

Make sure that Activate enrollment requests automatically after approval is clear.

Managers can enroll their people in the course, but need approval to continue. After enrollment approval, a learning administrator needs to manually activate the learning.

Here's what you do next for courses with sufficient interest:

  1. Approve all enrollment requests.
  2. Create one or more offerings.
  3. Activate each learner enrollment.

Learners can then enroll in an offering. And managers and learning administrators can enroll learners in the appropriate offerings.