How Capacity Rules and Waitlist Work for Oracle Learning Course Offerings

Specify minimum and maximum capacities for instructor-led, self-paced, or blended course offerings by enabling capacity rules. This also enables a waitlist where the first learner on the list is also first off. Optionally let learners who self-register join the waitlist.

When offering enrollments reach the specified maximum capacity, any newly registered or assigned learners get added to the waitlist. When seats become available, the assignment gets activated for learners at the top of the waitlist until the offering again reaches maximum capacity.

  • If the offering requires enrollment approval, the current capacity gets verified after approval and the learner's assignment gets activated. Or the learner gets added to the waitlist.
  • Learners assigned by their managers get their assignments activated until the offering reaches maximum capacity. Any more learners get added to the waitlist.

After the offering end date is past for instructor-led (ILT) and blended learning offerings, the new Change the Status of Offering Assignments with Any Preactive Status to Delete process sets the status to Deleted for all offering assignments with these statuses:

  • Waitlisted
  • Pending seat acceptance
  • Requested
  • Pending fulfillment
  • Pending prerequisites

When the start date arrives for an ILT offering, existing waitlisted learners will no longer automatically be granted a seat when one becomes available. You control the active learners and can accept more learners into the offering or not.

You can also define capacity for self-paced offerings. But limiting the enrollment of waitlisted learners isn’t possible because this type of offering doesn’t have start or end dates.

If you decrease the maximum capacity, the offering could become overbooked. To fix this issue, on the Learners > Learning Assignment tab, you can manually withdraw learners. Or you can move some learners with active assignments to the waitlist.

Tip: You can leave an offering overbooked if you know that you'll eventually withdraw or move learners with active assignments to the waitlist. Overbooking the offering keeps it at maximum capacity and prevents other learners from joining, or the waitlist from automatically filling empty seats.

To prevent learners from enrolling in or requesting to enroll in an offering after it reaches maximum capacity, deselect the Capacity Rules check box. This also lets managers assign the offering to their teams only if there are enough seats for all assignment recipients.

Caution: Deselecting the Capacity Rules check box for an offering also activates the assignments for any waitlisted learners. Make sure that the offering can handle these extra enrollees. Or you can change their learning assignment status on the offering details page, Learners tab, for example, withdraw them or delete their assignments.

Capacity rules apply only on offerings. You can define default offering capacities while creating a course and override them as appropriate while creating course offerings. Use the Courses and Offerings tasks on the My Client Groups > Learning page.