Program Plan Cycle in Oracle Learning

The main learning planning cycle consists of budgeting, processing, and execution. The Processing phase consists of

  1. Budgeting: Create the program, at least one plan, and at least one plan profile.
  2. Processing: Assign the appropriate catalog and noncatalog learning to the identified workers or nonexistent workers. You can also gather existing learning requests and add them to the plan cycle.
  3. Execution: Process the learning assignments throughout the plan cycle to collect the associated data, such as hours to complete the learning and costs. Plan records and the learning assignments have their own life cycles and you can compare them at any time. Evaluate plan record metrics and update a single or many plan records, as appropriate. Also validate status changes to make sure that learners can access their learning assignments.
    • You can deliver a plan on a large scale from the program page or Plan tab. And you can deliver it in details from the Plan Records tab of the program.
    • You can monitor assignments using the Learning Assignments and Learning Initiatives tasks on the My Client Groups > Learning page, as appropriate.