Skills Advisor for Learning

Learning administrators can use Oracle Adaptive Intelligence to suggest appropriate skills to set as learning outcomes while configuring a course or specialization. Suggestions are based on the course or specialization title, description, and short description.

The more learning administrators curate the suggestions, the better they become. Learning administrators can curate the skills suggestions in a Microsoft Excel workbook. They can also review the suggestions for a specific course or specialization on its Learning Outcomes tab.

  • Any suggestions with the skills curation status of Yes show on the course or specialization details page, definitions tab. They're also the only skills that transfer to learners’ talent profiles after they successfully complete the learning. The skills that learning administrators don't curate, don't become learning outcomes.
  • Any suggestions with the skills curation status of No continue to appear on the Learning Outcomes tab, but not in the details definition. They also don’t transfer to talent profiles after successful completion of the course or specialization. If learning administrators delete a skill suggestion from the Learning Outcomes tab or the spreadsheet, it’s removed everywhere. It won’t appear again in future skill suggestions for that course or specialization.

Learning administrators need to complete and save the general information for all courses and specializations that they want to get skills suggestions for. Then next time the AI Suggested Skills for Learning Items process runs, the results include suggestions for those courses and specializations.

Note: Curated skills won’t show in workbooks generated by future processing. But they will show on applicable Learning Outcomes tabs as well as course and specialization definitions. And every skill that you curate teaches Oracle AI services to produce better suggestions.