Content Sections Templates

The predefined templates that contain additional attributes specific to the Model Profile are:

  • Accomplishments
  • Certification1
  • Competency1
  • Education1
  • Honor1
  • Language1
  • Membership1
  • Skill
  • Special Project1
  • Work Requirements

1Template supports the construction of structured and unstructured content

The Minimum and Maximum Skill Level attribute is specific to Skills Center and is related to the skill level defined in person profile type.

Edit Profile Type to add new content sections based on predefined templates.

Edit Profile Type to add new content sections based on predefined templates

Once the content section is added, you can determine which content section properties are displayed or not displayed. In addition, you can put content sections in the order in which you want them to be displayed in the Model Profile and define whether a content section is active.

When you select add a new content section or select a specific content section link in the Edit Profile Type page, you will be directed to the Add/Edit Content Section page.