Overview of Enhanced Talent Profile Scheduled Processes

Scheduled processes are available for specific business needs in Enhanced Talent Profile.

Use Tools > Scheduled Processes to schedule processes.

Process Name Description
Propagate Dynamic Skills to Workers Propagates core skills and role skills to workers
Synchronize Talent Data for AI Recommendations Uploads talent data to cloud storage for use in ML models to generate AI recommendations
Manage Best Fit Batch Process Performs the best-fit analysis of profiles and persists the results
Purge Skill Endorsement Requests Job Purge endorsement requests
Delete Skill Endorsements and Recalculate Skill Confirmations Deletes endorsements that are no longer valid and recalculates skill confirmations if applicable
Update Profile Search Keywords Updates the profiles search keyword table
Optimize Profile Search Keywords Index This process optimizes the index on the profiles search keyword table to avoid index getting fragmented
Synchronize Profile Search Keywords Index Performs the synchronization of profiles search keyword indexes