How Goal Management Settings Control Goal Actions

The settings you specify when you create a goal or a goal plan determine if managers or employees can access the goals or goal plans and the actions they can perform.

Goal Management Settings

This table lists the different settings and describes their impact.


Where You Set


Who Sets This

When is the Setting Specified


Allow Updates to Goals By

Goal Plan

A list with these options:

  • HR specialist

  • HR specialist and manager

  • HR specialist, manager, and worker

HR specialist

When creating or editing a goal plan

This controls who can update the goals in the goal plan.

Actions for Workers and Managers on HR-Assigned Goals

Goal Plan

A list with these options:

  • Cancel and delete

  • Cancel only

  • Delete only

HR specialist

When creating or editing a goal plan

This determines if managers and employees can cancel or delete goals that HR specialists assign.

Note: This setting is enabled only if the value of the Allow Updates to Goals By setting is HR specialist, manager, and worker.

Allow worker to update key attributes


A check box that can be enabled or disabled.

  • HR specialist

  • Manager

When assigning a goal

This determines if the goal assignees can update the key attributes of the goal or not.

If you clear the check box, the goal assignees can update only nonkey attributes such as status and description.

Note: You can select this check box only if the value of the Allow Updates to Goals By setting is HR specialist, manager, and worker.



An application-generated value that can be one of these:

  • HR specialist

  • Manager

  • HR specialist and manager

  • Worker


The values are set based on who created or assigned the goal.

  • HR specialist: When an HR specialist assigns a goal to an employee

  • Manager: When a manager assigns a goal to an employee

  • HR specialist and manager: When a user who's both the manager and HR specialist assigns a goal to an employee

  • Worker: When employees create a goal for themselves

  • If a goal's source is HR specialist, then any HR specialist who has access to the goal can delete or cancel the goal.

  • If the goal source is Manager, then only these people can delete or cancel the goal:

    • Manager who assigned the goal
    • Managers above the employee's manager in the manager hierarchy
    • HR specialists of the goal assignee
  • If the goal source is HR specialist and manager, then only these people can delete or cancel it:

    • The user who's both the manager and HR specialist who assigned the goal
    • HR specialists of the goal assignee
  • If the goal source is Worker, then only the employees who created the goal or their HR specialists can delete or cancel it.

How Goal Management Settings Work Together

This table describes the impact for different combinations of the Allow Updates to Goals By and Allow worker to update key attributes Goal Management settings.

Allow Updates to Goals By Goal Plan Setting

Allow worker to update key attributes Goal Setting

What Managers Can Do

What Employees Can Do

HR specialist


  • Can't add goals

  • Can't update goals

  • Can't add goals

  • Can't update goals

HR specialist and manager


  • Can add goals to a team member's goal plan

  • Can update goals in a team member's goal plan

  • Can't add goals

  • Can't update goals

HR specialist, manager, and worker


Note: Managers can update this setting only for goals assigned to a team member by the manager or HR specialists.
  • Can add goals to a team member's goal plan

  • Can update goals in a team member's goal plan

  • Can update only progress attributes for assigned goals

  • Can add and update own goals without any restrictions

HR specialist, manager, and worker


Note: Managers can update this setting only for goals assigned to a team member by the manager or HR specialists.
  • Can add goals to a team member's goal plan

  • Can update goals in a team member's goal plan

  • Can update assigned goals without any restrictions

  • Can add and update own goals without any restrictions