How You Create Library Goals in Goal Management

HR specialists create library goals for Oracle Fusion Cloud Goal Management on the Performance Goal Library page.

Use the Add button available on the Performance Goal Library page to create a library goal. When you copy a goal from the library, you can change the goal attributes as appropriate. The Add Goal page has different sections for adding the library information and the goal's basic information.

You can specify these values in the Library Info section:

  • Status

    Note: The default status is Inactive.
  • Business Unit, Department, Legal Employer

  • Job Family

Note: You can also assign a weight for the goal. The weight field is hidden by default.

You can use the External ID attribute to refer to a performance goal in external applications. This attribute value is either application-generated or user-defined based on the application configurations.

In the Basic Info section, you can specify attributes such as name, description, success criteria, and target completion date. In addition to the goal category, you can also decide the subtype of a goal. A subtype is a method for further classifying a goal. Subtypes are configured based on business requirements.

If the value of the HRG_ENABLE_TASK profile option is Yes, you can add tasks to a performance goal. By default, you can add multiple measurements in the Add Goal page. Administrators need to change the value of the HRG_USE_MEASUREMENTS profile option to disable this or add only a single measurement.

You can add target outcomes only if all these conditions are true:

  • The value of the HRG_ENABLE_OUTCOMES profile option is Yes.

  • The value of the HRG_ENABLE_GOAL_DRILLDOWN_VIEW profile option is Yes.

  • Your organization has migrated to Enhanced Talent Profiles.

  • The value of the HRG_GOALS_RESPONSIVE_ENABLED profile option is Y.

  • The value of the HRD_CAREER_DEVELOPMENT_RESPONSIVE_ENABLED profile option is Y.