Primary Goal Plan

A primary goal plan is a common goal plan that's available to all users for all review periods. You can have only one active primary goal plan for an organization.

A primary goal plan has these features:

  • All users can update a primary goal plan.

  • Weights are enabled by default for a primary goal plan.

  • By default, the enforce sum of goal weights to 100% is disabled. But you can enable this.

  • You can select the primary goal plan when using the Add Performance Goal action or mass assigning goals. But you can't add goals to a primary goal plan when you create or edit it.

  • You can't specify any eligibility profile for a primary goal plan.

Primary Goal Plan and Goal Integrations

Other offerings can use primary goal plan in these ways:

  • When a primary goal plan is active, performance goals added in a Talent Review meeting are automatically added to the primary goal plan of the selected review period.

  • These rules apply for goals included in performance documents available in responsive Performance Management:

    • If the primary goal plan is associated with the document type used for a performance document template, then when the administrator creates a responsive performance document based on that template, a primary goal plan is created for that review period. A primary goal plan need not be associated with the review period of the performance document.

    • Goals in the performance template of the performance document are added to the primary goal plan.

    • If the primary goal plan is associated with the document type used for the performance template, then when you copy goals from a performance document, they're added to the primary goal plan.