Calculated Ratings

You can set up calculated ratings to automatically calculate ratings in performance documents. The application can calculate the overall performance rating in the Overall Summary section, and section ratings in the Profile Content, Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections.

The calculated rating derives from a score calculated from ratings provided by workers, managers, and participants using the calculation rules defined in the sections. The application maps the calculated score to the actual calculated rating based on the rating model used for the section.

In the performance template and performance template section, you can set up performance documents to:

  • Calculate and display the ratings provided by workers, managers, matrix managers, and other participants.

  • Display calculated ratings along with, or instead of, manual ratings.

  • Use the provided calculation rules or company-defined fast formulas to calculate ratings.

Where Calculated Ratings Appear

Calculated ratings appear at the top of the section for which they apply. To view calculated ratings, all roles must click the calculator icon that appears at the top of the section. Everybody who rates the worker can see their own calculated ratings, if configured to do so. Managers and matrix managers can view calculated ratings provided by the worker and participants.

The calculated rating appears as stars when star ratings are configured. The rating level description for the calculated rating appears when star ratings are not configured. In both cases the calculated score appears in parentheses after the ratings. The calculated rating is rounded to the closest rating level value as determined by the rounding and mapping settings.

Calculated Ratings and Compensation Management

Calculated overall ratings, along with overall ratings provided by managers, can be used by Oracle Fusion Compensation Management. The settings to determine whether they appear there are available in the Compensation Management business process. The calculated ratings that appear in Compensation Management are the calculated scores.

Calculated Ratings Roll Up

You can set up the template so that any or all of the sections use calculated ratings. When you enable calculated ratings in the Profile Content, Performance Goals, or Development Goals sections, the application:

  • Uses the ratings that managers, workers, and matrix managers and other participants provide on individual items in the section

  • Performs roll-up calculations to determine the rating for the respective section automatically

  • Uses the calculated ratings for the Profile Content, Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections to determine the overall calculated rating in the Overall Summary section