Configure Requested Feedback Reminders

As an administrator, you can now configure feedback reminders to be sent a specific number of days before the feedback is due.

You can specify this in a new scheduled process, Send Requested Feedback Due Date Reminder, and run the job as needed.

When you configure the process, the feedback provider receives a reminder per feedback request. Reminders are sent only if the feedback response is in the Draft or Not Started status. When an HR specialist requests the feedback to be revised, a reminder is sent to the feedback provider before the due date of the revision.

When the scheduled process isn’t run periodically or fails to run, the application checks if a reminder has been sent for any feedback request that’s due on the same date as the current date, or is approaching within the number of days specified in the scheduled process. A reminder is then sent, as needed.

To configure the scheduled process, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Tools > Scheduled Processes.
  2. Click Scheduled New Process.
  3. Search for the Send Requested Feedback Due Date Reminder process.
  4. Select the process, and click OK.
  5. In the Days Before Reminder for Requested Feedback Due parameter, specify the number of days by when the reminder must be sent before the feedback due date. The default is 10. If you don’t specify a value, the reminder is sent 10 days before the due date.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Click OK to confirm.
  • If you configure the scheduled process and run it once, and then change the parameter value and run it again, the application won’t send a second reminder for those feedback requests for which a reminder has already been sent.
  • If you delete a feedback request after the reminder is sent, the feedback provider receives an error message when they click the Provide Feedback link on the reminder notification page.