How Managers Return Performance Documents to Continue Evaluation

Managers can return performance documents to team members for which the self-evaluation task is complete. This lets the team members to continue to work on their evaluations.

After the team member completes the self-evaluation again, managers, employees, and participants can complete the remaining tasks in the performance document. Managers can use the Return to Worker action available on the Evaluate Performance page or the Performance tab in person spotlight.

Performance Documents You Can Return

You can see the Return to Worker action for performance documents that meet these conditions:

  • The performance document is configured to include the Worker Self-Evaluation task.

  • The team member has completed the Worker Self-Evaluation task.

Impact of Returning a Performance Document

Here's what happens when you return a performance document to a team member:

  • The Worker Self-Evaluation task and performance document statuses change to In Progress.

  • If the Manager resets worker's self-evaluation notification is enabled, then the team member gets a notification that you returned the performance document.

  • The team member can continue with the evaluation.

  • All tasks in the performance document after the Worker Self-Evaluation task are reopened and the task owner needs to complete them again.

  • Existing data from the previously completed tasks remains intact. Although the evaluation tasks must be completed again, evaluators don't have to recreate the data.