Set Up Interim Evaluations in Performance Templates

You can create performance document types and configure performance templates and document periods to set up interim evaluations to appear in later performance documents.

You can configure the performance template to display ratings and comments for individual content items, section ratings, and the overall summary rating. This topic describes how to create document types and document periods to configure interim evaluations in which ratings and comments appear in successive performance documents, a project evaluation, and an annual performance document.

Before You Begin

Set up the performance process flow and the review period.

  1. Create performance process flows to include tasks for the manager and worker rating the worker for the annual and quarterly evaluations, and the project evaluations. You can use the same process flow for both.

  2. Create the sections required by the process flow, including at least these three sections:

    • Profile Content (Competencies)

    • Performance Goals or Development Goals

    • Overall Summary

  3. Create a review period to use in all performance document periods.

Create Document Types

For this procedure, you create document types to use in two performance templates:

  • Project Evaluation: Evaluate workers for a project completed within the annual evaluation period. Ratings and comments for the project evaluation appear in the annual evaluation.

  • Annual and Quarterly: Evaluate workers quarterly and annually. The ratings and comments for each interim quarter appear in the subsequent quarter and annual evaluations.

  1. Go to My Client Groups > Performance > Performance Document Types.

  2. In the Search Results section of the Performance Document Types page, click Create to open the Create Performance Document Types page.

  3. In the Name field, enter Project Evaluation.

  4. (Optional) Enter a description.

  5. Enter the From Date and To Date. These dates must be the same as or extend beyond the date range of the performance templates in which they're used.

  6. Keep the default status of Active.

  7. Select the check box Worker can select manager when creating document to let workers select the manager who manages their performance documents.

  8. Click Save and Close.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Repeat steps 2 through 6 and 8 to 9 to create the Annual and Quarterly document type. For step 3, enter the name Annual and Quarterly.

Set up the Project Evaluation Performance Template

In this procedure, you create the performance template for the project evaluation, which is one of the interim documents that appears in the annual evaluation.

  1. Go to My Client Groups > Performance > Performance Templates.

  2. In the Search Results section of the Performance Templates page, click Create to open the Create Performance Template page.

  3. Set up the General tab.

    1. Select the Template Type as Anytime.

    2. Enter a name and optionally comments.

    3. Enter the From Date and To Date. The From Date must be the same or later than, and the To Date the same as or earlier than the From Date and To Date range of the performance document type, process flow, roles, and sections used in the template.

    4. Leave the status as Active. In the Document Type field, select Project Evaluation.

    5. In the Eligibility Profile section, add eligibility profiles to limit the performance documents to eligible employees, if required by your business process.

    6. In the Participation section, select participant minimums, if required by your business process.

    7. Click Add to add the roles that evaluate the employee.

      Note: Make sure that you add manager and employee roles to the template as only their ratings and comments appear in interim evaluations.
  4. Set up the Process, Structure, and Content tabs.

    1. Click the Process tab.

    2. In the Process Flow field, select a process flow for the project evaluation.

    3. Set up the Alerts, Calculation Rules, Processing Options, and Participant Options sections as required for your business process.

    4. Click the Structure tab.

    5. In the Sections region, click Add to add the first section required for the tasks required in the process flow.

    6. Set up the Section Processing, Item Processing, Section Content, and Processing by Role sections as required to conform to your business process. Note: Ensure that you add manager and employee roles to the section as only their ratings and comments appear in interim evaluations.

    7. Repeat steps 4e and 4f for each section required by the process flow.

    8. Click the Content tab.

    9. Add content items to the Goals and Competencies sections, if required by your business process.

  5. Click the Document Periods tab.

  6. Set up the Document Periods tab.

    1. In the Document Periods section, click Add.

    2. In the Name field, enter a name. The name is the name of the project evaluation performance document.

    3. Select a Review Period. The review period must be the same used for the annual performance template.

    4. Edit the performance document start and end dates, if required for your business process.

    5. Enter a Short Name for the period.

    6. Add eligibility profiles as required for your business process.

    7. Enter the Due Date for each task.

    8. Select the Available to Use check box.

    9. Select the Lock Manager Share Task check box if you don't want managers to share the document with employees during the calibration period.

    10. Add roles and select questionnaires as required for your business process.

  7. Click the Summary tab.

  8. Review the template and click Save and Close.

  9. Click OK.

Set Up the Annual and Quarterly Performance Template

In this procedure, you configure the performance template used for both the annual and quarterly evaluations. On the Document Periods tab, you configure the periods for each so that each quarterly performance document is an interim evaluation. Ratings and comments for each appear in the subsequent quarterly and annual evaluations. You also configure the annual document period so the project evaluation ratings appear.

  1. Go to My Client Groups > Performance > Performance Templates.

  2. In the Search Results section of the Performance Templates page, click Create to open the Create Performance Template page.

  3. Set up the General tab.

    1. Keep the default Template Type as Standard.

    2. Enter a name and optionally, comments.

    3. Enter the From Date and To Date. The From Date must be the same or later than, and the To Date the same as or earlier than the From Date and To Date range of the performance document type, process flow, roles, and sections used in the template.

    4. Leave the status as Active. In the Document Type field, select Annual and Quarterly.

    5. In the Eligibility Profile section, add eligibility profiles to limit the performance documents to eligible employees, if required by your business process.

    6. In the Participation section, select participant minimums, if required by your business process.

    7. Click Add to add the roles that evaluate the employee.

      Note: Ensure that you add manager and employee roles to the template as only their ratings and comments appear in interim evaluations.
    8. Click the Process tab.

  4. In the Process Flow field, select a process flow for the annual and quarterly evaluations.

  5. Repeat steps 4b through 4i from the Set up the Project Evaluation Performance Template procedure.

  6. Click the Document Periods tab.

  7. Configure the document period for the first quarter evaluation.

    1. In the Document Periods section, click Add.

    2. In the Name field, enter a name for the first quarter performance document.

    3. Select a Review Period. The review period must be the same used for the annual performance period.

    4. Edit the performance document start and end dates, if required for your business process.

    5. Enter a Short Name for the period.

    6. Select the Available to Use check box.

    7. Select the Lock Manager Share Task check box if you don't want managers to share the document with employees during the calibration period.

    8. Add eligibility profiles and select roles and questionnaires as required for your business process.

    9. Enter the Due Date for each task.

  8. Set up the document period for the second quarter evaluation.

    1. In the Document Periods section, click Add.

    2. In the Name field, enter a name for the second quarter performance document.

    3. Repeat steps 7c through 7g for the period. The short name must be unique for each period.

    4. In the Document Types section, click Add.

    5. In the Document Type field, select Annual and Quarterly so the ratings and comments from the first quarter document appear in the document.

  9. Set up the document period for the third quarter evaluation using the following steps.

    1. In the Document Periods section, click Add.

    2. In the Name field, enter a name for the third quarter performance document.

    3. Repeat steps 7c through 7g for the period.

  10. Set up the document period for the annual evaluation.

    1. In the Document Periods section, click Add.

    2. In the Name field, enter a name for the annual performance document.

    3. Repeat steps 7c through 7g for the period.

    4. In the Document Types period, click Add.

    5. In the Document Type field, select Annual and Quarterly so the ratings and comments from each preceding quarter appear in the annual document.

    6. In the Document Types period, click Add.

    7. In the Document Type field, select Project Evaluation so the ratings and comments from the project evaluation appear in the annual document.

  11. Click the Summary tab.

  12. Review the template and click Save and Close.

  13. Click OK.