Candidate Messaging

You can send emails, SMS messages, or both to candidates. You can send them using preconfigured email or SMS templates, or by creating them from scratch.

In the Recruiting Content Library, administrators can preconfigure both email and SMS templates for different types of notifications such as Candidate Job Application Notification, Hiring Team Notification, and so on.

Choosing Between Email and SMS

By default, candidate communications are delivered via email. However, if you wish to communicate through SMS, your administrator must configure and enable the SMS Communications feature in Setup and Maintenance.

When this feature is enabled, the application allows candidates to register or sign in using either their email or phone number. When it’s not enabled, candidates will always register using their email and they will receive emails by default.

The candidate’s preferred communication channel is decided by the method they use during their initial job application:
  • If they register with their phone number, SMS becomes their preferred communication channel. They receive only SMS messages and not emails, until they change their preferences.
  • If they register with an email address, email becomes their preferred communication channel. They continue to receive only emails and not SMS messages, until they change their preferences.
  • After they sign in, candidates have the option to opt in for both email and SMS as their preferred communication channels. In this case, they receive both SMS messages and emails.

When SMS communications is enabled, the following rules apply:

  • If you’re using preconfigured templates from the Recruiting Content Library, and they contain both email and SMS content, candidates will receive messages according to their communication preferences.
  • If the organization decides to send only emails to candidates, the SMS message content in the Recruiting Content Library must empty. In this case, candidates will receive emails even if SMS is their preferred communication method.