Current Jobs Work Area

The Current Jobs work area provides you with tools to search jobs within your company, to apply for jobs, to see the status of your job search, to refer someone for a job.

Note: This topic only applies to existing US Government customers with PODs that aren’t configured to use Oracle Search.

From the Current Jobs page, you can search for jobs and easily access these pages:

  • Favorite Jobs: See your preferred jobs and perform actions on them; apply for the job, share the job, refer someone, copy the link.

  • Job Applications: Review the job applications you submitted, view their progress. View interview details for already scheduled interviews. You can also use the Withdraw action if you no longer want your active job applications to be considered.

  • Referrals: Look at the referrals you made and their status as they progress through the recruiting process. You can see the same progress as the person you referred. Note that a candidate can only be referred once on a job requisition. The candidate can't be referred again by a different employee. Also, when a candidate is added to a job requisition by a referral, using the Copy Link action, or any other method, you can still provide an endorsement for the candidate.

  • Job Offers: See any job offers that are currently pending your response that have been extended to you. You can accept or decline these here. Also you can see any job offers that you previously accepted.

  • Job Alerts: Subscribe to receive notifications about new job opportunities. Set your job preferences regarding organizations, locations, job families, and jobs.