Job Offer Creation Process

There are two scenarios that you can use to create job offers. You'll have access to these scenarios depending on your privileges and roles.

There are two scenarios that you can use to create job offers, depending on your privileges and roles.

  • Shared process: The creation of the job offer is shared between two roles, usually configured to be the hiring manager and the recruiter. In this scenario, the hiring manager has the privilege Initiate Job Offer (IRC_INITIATE_JOB_OFFER). The hiring manager uses the Create Offer action to move a candidate's job application into the Offer - Draft status. The hiring manager can communicate any intentions or notes to the recruiter and Offer Team using the Comment field. The hiring manager doesn't provide any other information for this offer. Then the recruiter receives a notification to enter details about this candidate's job offer using the Edit Offer action. All appropriate offer sections are displayed and the recruiter can provide necessary values and also can see any comment provided by the hiring manager. The recruiter submits the offer for approval, or can save the offer to edit it later, then submit it.
  • Recruiter process: The creation of the job offer is handled by a single user, usually configured to be the recruiter. In this scenario, the recruiter has the Initiate Job Offer (IRC_INITIATE_JOB_OFFER) and Update Job Offer (IRC_UPDATE_JOB_OFFER) privileges. The recruiter uses the Create Offer action to move a candidate's job application into the Offer - Draft status. All appropriate sections and fields of the offer are available to be filled. When the recruiter has filled all necessary values, the recruiter submits the offer for any approval, or can save the offer to edit it later (or another user can return later) using the Edit Offer action. In this scenario, there's no need for a Comment field because the process is done by a single user.