Mask Job Application Grid View Data

If your organization is using blind sifting or name blind recruiting processes, you can mask data in the job application grid view. You write an EL expression to define the roles, phases, and states to mask data and select which grid view fields to anonymize.

Before you start

You need the privilege Manage Candidate Lists (IRC_MANAGE_CANDIDATE_JOB_APPLICATION_LISTS).

Here's what to do

  1. Go to a requisition's job applications list.
  2. In the View menu, select Manage Views.
  3. On the Manage Views page, click the Actions menu and select Manage Masked Data.
  4. On the Manage Masked Data page, define the EL expression to mask grid view data.
    The EL expression field is limited to 2000 characters. The result of the EL expression must be true or false. When the EL expression is true, the selected fields are masked on all job application grid views. Masked fields appear with '*****' in the grid view.
    Fields that can be used in EL expressions:
    ContextEL Expression
    To check for role securityContext.userInRole[‘ORA_IRC_RECRUITER_JOB’]

    Pass the role code for the roles that should see masked data.

    Phase ID item.CurrentPhaseId

    Run a query to get the Phase ID (see below on CSP query).

    State ID item.CurrentStateId

    Run a query to get the State ID.

    Phase Name item.PhaseName

    Run a query to get the Phase Name.

    State Name item.StateName

    Run a query to get the State Name.

    Here's an example of an EL expression: #{securityContext.userInRole['ORA_IRC_RECRUITER_JOB'] ? !(item.PhaseId == 14 and item.StateId == 1020 and item.PhaseName == 'Offer' and item.StateName eq 'Draft') : false}
  5. In the Grid View Fields to Mask, click Add to add the fields you want to mask.
  6. Click Save and Close.