Set Up Processes to Propagate and Maintain Core and Role Skills

You can schedule a recurrent process to propagate, reconcile, and maintain core and role skills on employee profiles so they can subsequently show up in their Skills Center pages.

This process propagates any changes in the list of required skills (core or role) to the person profiles of the target population the changes apply to.

  • Any additions or updates initiated by the manager on core skill assignments or skill levels required.
  • Any additions or updates initiated by the HR Administrator to role skills, such as:
    • Associating a job profile to or dissociating a job profile from a job, where the job profile specifies Skills Center skills
    • Adding or updating skills or skill levels on a job profile
  • Any employees that have had any of the following employment changes, thereby requiring updates to their required (core or role) skills,
    • New hire
    • Primary assignment manager change
    • Termination
    • Job change
  1. Follow these steps to schedule this process.
    1. Sign in as an admin user with the PER_RUN_HR_PROCESSES_PRIV privilege.
    2. On the Tools tab in the navigator, choose Scheduled Processes.
    3. Choose Schedule New Process.
    4. Within job type, search for Propagate Dynamic Skills to Workers.
    5. You must specify the frequency for the process. We recommend the process be run daily in order to achieve optimum performance, and to keep role and core skills current on employee profiles.
    6. You can change the frequency of the job run, pause, or re-start the process.
  2. In addition, for corresponding statistics to be displayed on the Team Skills Center views, you must run another recurrent process in conjunction with and on the same frequency as the above process:
    1. Sign in as an admin user with the PER_RUN_HR_PROCESSES_PRIV privilege.
    2. On the Tools tab in the navigator, select Scheduled Processes.
    3. Choose Schedule New Process.
    4. Within job type, search for ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS.
    5. Specify parameter fa-hcm-teamskills.
    6. Specify the frequency for the process. Oracle recommends the process be run daily and on the same frequency as the Propagate Dynamic Skills to Workers process, in order to achieve optimum performance, and to keep the statistics and views current.
    7. You can change the frequency of the job run, pause, or restart the process.