How You Archive Draft Performance Goal Transactions

As administrators, you need to archive performance goal transactions that have been in the draft state for a long period of time.

Workers in your organization may create goals and not submit them for approval and they may remain in the draft state for many days. Such transactions can accumulate over time and can impact the performance of the Transaction Console. Here's how you ensure that such goals are also archived:

  1. Specify the time period in days after which draft transactions become eligible for archiving using the ORA_HRC_ARCH_DRFT_PERFORMANCE_GOALS profile option.

  2. To refresh the transaction status, run the Refresh Transaction Administrator Console Transaction Status process.

  3. Archive completed performance goal transactions.

Specify the Time Period for Archiving

The default value of the ORA_HRC_ARCH_DRFT_PERFORMANCE_GOALS profile option is 180 days. So, draft goals that users haven't submitted for approval for 180 days or more are automatically set to Completed status and become eligible for archiving. But you can change the profile option value according to your organizational policy. Remember that you can't retrieve archived goals. So, be thoughtful when you specify a value for the profile option.

To change the archive period for unapproved performance goal transactions in draft state:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. Search for and select the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.

  3. Search for and select the ORA_HRC_ARCH_DRFT_PERFORMANCE_GOALS profile option.

  4. Set the Profile Value to the number of days you want to allow users to retain their performance goal transactions that are in draft state.

  5. Click Save and Close.

Refresh the Goal Transaction Status

The Refresh Transaction Administrator Console Transaction Status scheduled process automatically runs every hour to refresh the statuses. If you find that's not enough, you can submit the process to run on a more frequent schedule.

To run the Refresh Transaction Administrator Console Transaction Status process:

  1. Click Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes.

  2. On the Scheduled Processes Overview page, click Schedule New Process.

  3. Leave the type as Job, then search for and select the Refresh Transaction Administrator Console Transaction Status process, and click OK.

  4. Click OK.

  5. In the Process Details dialog box, enter at least the required parameters, if any.

  6. Click Submit.

  7. Click OK to confirm.

Tip: Note down the process ID for your submission so you can easily find it later.

After the Refresh Transaction Administrator Console Transaction Status process completes, the status of the draft transactions that are older than the number of days defined in the ORA_HRC_ARCH_DRFT_PERFORMANCE_GOALS profile option is set to Completed. The transactions then become eligible for archiving.

Archive Completed Goal Transactions

Performance goal transactions are archived according to the period you select in the Archive Transactions list of values for the Approve Performance Goal rule. If you haven't selected any option to automatically archive performance goal transactions, then you need to run the Archive Transaction Console Completed Transactions process to archive the completed goal transactions.

To run the Archive Transaction Console Completed Transactions process, follow the steps listed for running the Refresh Transaction Administrator Console Transaction Status process. But remember to search and select the Archive Transaction Console Completed Transactions process.

After the draft goals are archived, any changes made are reset and the goal plan is set to its previous approval state.