Overview of Performance Goal Approval Rules

Use the Approve Performance Goal task in the Approval Rules tab of the Transaction Console to view or configure approval rules for performance goals that are included in goal plans. You can also disable approvals by using the Bypass Approval feature.

To configure approval rules, go to Tools > Transaction Console.

The Approve Performance Goal task includes these two rules which need to be mutually exclusive:

  • PerformanceGoalAutoApproval: Use to enable autoapproval of performance goals. When the conditions in this rule are satisfied, the application doesn't generate any approval notifications. By default, all the conditions in this rule evaluate to the true state.

  • PerformanceGoalManualApproval: Use to enforce manual approval of performance goals. When the conditions in this rule are satisfied, approval notifications are generated.

The Approve Performance Goal task also has the Performance Goal Zero Balance Transaction Approval Rule rule. This rule is triggered when transactions on a single draft goal have reversal actions that nullify the approval submission. We recommend that you don't modify or delete this rule.

By default, Bypass is enabled for the Approve Performance Goal task. When you disable Bypass, all goal plan approval transactions are automatically approved. You can modify the rule set to ensure that performance goal changes are sent for manual approval.

Enable Manual Approval of Performance Goals

This table lists the basic Performance Goals approval conditions and indicates the value that you need to assign to the condition attribute to enable manual approval.

Approval Condition

Condition Attribute

Attribute Value to Enable Manual Approval

New Goal

Performance Goals.Goal Created Flag


Delete Goal

Performance Goals.Goal Deleted Flag


Cancel Goal

Performance Goals.Status Code


Completed Goal

Performance Goals.Status Code


Updated Key Attribute

Performance Goals.Legacy Key Attribute Updated


You can configure these conditions to evaluate to the false state by adding the prefix NOT_ to the attribute value in the expression. To ensure that the conditions evaluate to the true state, you need to remove the prefix NOT_ from the expressions.

Modify Approval Rule Set of Performance Goals

You can modify the rule set of performance goals to meet your specific approval requirements. Remember to have only one manual approval rule along with the autoapproval rule that's mutually exclusive. You also need to ensure that these two rules don't logically conflict.

Add a New Performance Goal Condition in the Rule Set

Add additional conditions by building expressions using attributes available in the performance goal payload. You need to add the condition to both the manual and autoapproval rules and ensure that the rules complement each other. Remember that the condition added in the autoapproval rule needs to be the inverse of the condition added to the manual approval rule.