Configure Career Site Location Search

You can decide which location search modes are available for candidates on external career sites.

You have the option of allowing candidates to search by all locations or recruiting locations. In addition, you can disable the My Location Search and Postal Code Search settings on particular career sites.

When you enable the ability to search for jobs by recruiting locations, candidates can search for jobs in locations where jobs may be potentially posted. You don't have to disable the other location search modes.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
    • Functional Area: Candidate Experience
    • Task: Career Sites Configuration
  2. Create a career site or edit an existing one.
  3. On the General tab, scroll to the Location Search section.
  4. Select a default location search mode. You can select either:
    • All locations - Candidates can search jobs by any location. This is the default selection. The behavior of search is the same as it was prior to this release. On the career site, the label is Location.
    • Recruiting locations - Candidates can search jobs by recruiting locations. On the career site, the label is Job Location.
  5. Select the Enable postal code search check box if you want to allow candidates to search for jobs by postal code. Note that activating this setting isn't affected by what users choose as their location search option (All Locations or Recruiting Locations). It will always display all of the postal codes.
  6. Select the Enable my location search check box if you want to allow candidates to search for jobs by candidate browser location.