Configure Job Offer Approval Rules

You can configure approval rules for job offers in the same ways they're configured throughout the suite.

For instance, one or two levels of approver might be appropriate depending on the business unit of the offer, based on the token Proposed Assignment Details.Business Unit.

The following subsections point out some specific offer fields that support particular rules that you might need.

Configure Job Offer Approval Rules for Text in Offer Letters

You can configure an approval cycle to be different for offers that have been drafted to diverge from the standard offer letter templates, when the user has inserted additional text into a template or has adjusted or entirely replaced the standard offer letter template.

  • Configure rules for offers that include additional personalized text within the offer letter, using either or both attributes Offer Details. Is OfferLetter Text1 Null and Offer Details.Is OfferLetter Text2 Null.
  • Configure rules for offers whose offer letters were adjusted or replaced by the user who drafted it, when the offer letter retains all its tokens (original method). These approval rules should use the token Offer Details.Is Custom Offer Template, with the values of True and False.
  • Configure rules for offers whose offer letters were adjusted or replaced by the user who drafted it, when the offer letter's tokens were all resolved. These approval rules should use the token Offer Details.Is Custom Resolved Template, with the values of "Y" or "N".

Configure Job Offer Approval Rules Based on Flexfields

You can configure the approval cycle for job offers based on flexfields defined as global segments on the offer and the offer's assignment, and flexfields defined as both global and context-based segments on the requisition for which this offer is hiring. You configure these approval rules within the Worklist, not using the Transaction Console.

  1. On your Home page, click the Notifications icon.

  2. On the Notifications page, click Show All.

  3. Click Worklist.

  4. In the menu next to your name, select Administration.

  5. Click the Task Configuration tab.

  6. Search for the task OfferApprovalHumanTask.

  7. When the task is displayed, click the task name.

  8. Click the Edit icon.

  9. A message indicates that flexfields were changed. Click Start Synchronization.

  10. When the synchronization is complete, click the OfferApprovalHumanTask task again.

  11. Click the Assignees tab.

  12. Click the blue dot in the Job Offer Approvers box to go to the rule.

  13. When you click the SupervisoryRulesListSet, you can see the rule that you created.

  14. In the IF section, go to Rule 1 and click the Search icon.

  15. In the Condition Browser window, search for the flexfields. You can use:

    • OfferDff

    • RequisitionDff

    • ProposedAssignmentDff

  16. Create the condition.

  17. Click Validate.

Configure Job Offer Approval Rules Based on Job Requisition Information

You can configure approval rules for job offers based on information about the job requisition for which the offer is hiring. You configure these approval rules using the Transaction Console.

  1. Go to the Tools work area.

  2. Click Transaction Console.

  3. Click the Approval Rules tab.

  4. On the Transaction Manager: Rules page, select the Approve Job Offer process and click the Edit icon in the Configure Rules column.

  5. On the Approval Rules: Approve Job Offer page, click a rule then click the Edit icon in the toolbar.

  6. Click the rule again and click the Edit Selection icon in the toolbar.

  7. In the Approval Rules: Edit Condition Expression window, select the statement in the first menu.

  8. In the second menu, select Requisition Details, and then choose any requisition-related fields from the related menu.

  9. In the third menu, select an operator. For example: > or < or == or contains or startsWith.

  10. Select the rest of the expression for the approval rule.

Configure Job Offer Approval Rules for Copied Job Offers

If you have enabled users to create external job offers by copying all the values from an existing job offer in the same requisition, you might want to define a shorter approval flow for these copied offers. Or you might choose to bypass approval altogether for these copied offers if their original source offer was already approved. You can create these rules in the Transaction Console as follows.

  • You can configure an approval rule that only affects these copied job offers by specifying the string "Y" for yes in the field Offer Details.Batch Creation Flag.
  • You can configure a more specific approval rule that only affects offers that were copied from a source job offer that was already approved. This type of rule must specify any of the acceptable states where the original offer was, as of the moment when the copying was done. To create this rule, use the field Offer Details.Source State Name and list all the state names or IDs where valid source offers might have been when they were copied:
Phase State
  • 1020 Draft
  • 1021 Pending Approval
  • 1028 Approval Rejected
  • 1022 Approved
  • 1023 Extended
  • 1024 Accepted
  • 1033 Pending Automated Processing
  • 1025 Pending Manual Processing
  • 1034 Error During Processing
  • 1026 Processing in Progress
  • 1027 Processed
All phases
  • 1004 Rejected by Employer
  • 1005 Withdrawn by Candidate

Configure Representatives to Approve Job Offers

You can add representatives as part of the list of approvers when configuring approval rules for job offers. The candidate's proposed representative can be configured to provide approval for any candidates' offers, within the Transaction Console.

  1. Go to the Tools work area.

  2. Click Transaction Console.

  3. Click the Approval Rules tab.

  4. On the Transaction Manager: Rules page, select the Approve Job Offer process and click the Edit icon in the Configure Rules column.

  5. Create a rule and set a Representative approver.

  6. In the Representative section, set the fields as follows:

    • Action Type: Approval required

    • Representative Type: Recruiting

    • Representative Of: Candidate's proposed representative

  7. Click Submit.

Use Case: Job Offer Completed But Still in Approval Pending

Here's what you can do if a job offer is in Pending Approval state but the Transaction Console shows it's completed?

When a job offer is in Pending Approval state but the Transaction Console shows it's completed, you need to resubmit the offer for approval.