Configure Manager Approval for Gigs

In Opportunity Marketplace, you can add an approval step to the application process to require manager approval before employees can work on gigs. Once the approval process is set up, gig applications are automatically routed to managers for approval when a gig creator assigns a gig to an applicant.

For gig creators, a gig application status is set to Pending for Approval until it's either approved or rejected by an applicant's manager. You can't assign a gig to another person until a manager rejects the assigned employee's application.

For gig seekers, gigs display with a status of Pending for Approval on their dashboards to let them know that they're awaiting manager approval.

Managers approve or reject gig by clicking Approve and Reject buttons in either:

  • Email notification
  • Bell notification (Alerts Icon)

Once managers approve or reject a gig request, both gig creators and seekers are notified.

If a gig is canceled before the approval from line manager, then the Approve and Reject buttons won't be clickable.

  1. Go to the Tools work area.
  2. Click Transaction Console.
  3. Click the Approval Rules tab.
  4. Select the Approve Gig Assignation process and click the Edit icon.
  5. Clear the Bypass Approvals check box to indicate that gig applications should go through approval process. If you select Bypass Approvals, then gig applications will not go to the manager approval process when the gig is assigned by the gig manager to the gig applicant.