Provide Access to Job Offers to Users Not Part of the Offer Team

Users can view, update, communicate, move, and process job offers of candidates based on users' privileges, duty roles, and data security. You can configure users' privileges so that users can see or edit only certain parts of the offers for which they're specifically included on the offer team. Conversely, you can also configure much wider visibility so a given user can oversee and manage everything about offers within a certain division or even across the entire enterprise based on their person security profile.

Job Offer Privileges and Duty Roles

Users need specific privileges and duty roles to advance a candidate's job application through the rest of the selection process after it has been selected for a job offer.

The standard role Hiring Manager is defined by default with some simple abilities to view and start drafting job offers. The main work of creating and communicating job offers is handled by users with the Recruiter role, or the Recruiting Manager role, which can perform all the actions of the recruiter and more. Then the final steps of the recruiting process are performed by users with the standard role of HR Specialist.

For details on privileges and duty roles required to perform job offer actions, see Job Offer Actions and Privileges.

Data Security to Access a Job Offer

Specific data security is also required to access a candidate's job offer.

  • A user can access a job offer within a candidate's job application or from the list of offers (My Client Groups > Hiring > Job Offers or My Team > Hiring > Job Offers) if that user is part of the offer team in that offer's list. The users can also access the job offer if its offer team includes any user who they supervise within their management hierarchy. All users with roles based on the standard Hiring Manager and Recruiter roles can access these offers, regardless of their person security profile within their data roles.

  • A user can access a job offer within a candidate's job application or from the list of offers (My Client Groups > Hiring > Job Offers or My Team > Hiring > Job Offers) if that candidate is within that user's person security profile, without that user being named on the offer team or managing anyone on that team. This capability is available to all users with roles based on the duty role Manage Job Offer by Recruiting Manager (ORA_IRC_MANAGE_JOB_OFFER_BY_RECRUITING_MANAGER).

  • A user can view job offers when they're requested to approve or reject a candidate's job offer. The user doesn't need to be included in the offer team to see the details of this request. As long as the candidate is within the user's data role's person security profile, the candidate's offer values will be visible to the user (within the sections that are visible based on these privileges):

    • View Job Offer (ORA_IRC_VIEW_JOB_OFFER)

    • View Job Offer Salary (ORA_IRC_VIEW_JOB_OFFER_SALARY)

    • View Job Offer Other Compensation (ORA_IRC_VIEW_JOB_OFFER_OTHER_COMPENSATION)

    • View Job Requisition (ORA_IRC_VIEW_JOB_REQUISITION)

  • An HR Specialist can access a candidate's job offer using the quick action Manage Job Offers in My Client Groups; a candidate's job offer can be accessed if the candidate is within the data role's person security profile. It's not relevant to be included in the offer team during this HR Phase.

Example: How can a job offer approver see job offer info when they’re not part of the offer team and they don’t have the Recruiter or Recruiting Manager role?

In such a case, when an approver receives a request to approve a job offer, the approver can’t see any job offer info. To make job offer info visible, you’ll need to:

  • Grant the duty role Manage Job Offer by Recruiting Manager (ORA_IRC_MANAGE_JOB_OFFER_BY_RECRUITING_MANAGER)
  • Grant the privilege View Job Requisition (ORA_IRC_VIEW_JOB_REQUISITION)
  • Assign the Person Security Profile to All People.
  1. In the Security Console, click the Users tab.
  2. Search for the job offer approver.
  3. Click the name of the approver.
  4. In the Roles section, note the role assigned to the user.
  5. Click the Roles tab.
  6. On the Roles page, search for the role you noted and click it.
  7. In the Search Result Count box, click the down arrow and select Edit Role.
  8. On the Edit Role page, click Next until you reach the Role Hierarchy page.
  9. Click Add Role.
  10. In the Add Role Membership window, search for the duty role Manage Job Offer by Recruiting Manager.
  11. Click Add Role Membership.
  12. Search for the privilege View Job Requisition.
  13. Click Add Role Membership.
  14. Click Cancel to close the window.
  15. Click Next then click Save and Close.

To assign the security profile:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the task Manage Data Role and Security Profiles and click the task name.
  2. On the Data Roles and Security Profiles page, search for the role you noted earlier.
  3. Select the role and click Edit.
  4. On the Edit Data Role page, click Next to view the Edit Data Role: Security Criteria page.
  5. Select the View All option for each security profiles section. For example, select View All Job Requisitions in the Job Requisition Security Profile section.
  6. For the Person Security Profile, make sure you select the proper security.
  7. Click Next, then Submit.

When you’re done, run the Import User and Role Application Security Data scheduled process to ensure that the user role is updated.