Set Up a Candidate Pool

You set up candidate pools so that recruiters and hiring managers can group candidates and manage sourcing activities for a current or future job position that they will potentially fill.

To set up candidate pools, you need a candidate pool process which provides the framework to progress candidates through the sourcing lifecycle. This ensures that candidates are engaged with the organization even if they aren't actively involved in a hiring effort. You can create candidate pool processes to match your internal business processes. This includes adding, removing, renaming, and reordering the various phases and states that the pool members will go through. You can create multiple candidate pool processes but only one candidate pool process can be active at any given time.

Two candidate pool processes are provided with the product:

  • Candidate Pool Process Template (CPP-TEMPLATE): This process can't be made active. You can however duplicate the process to create your own candidate pool process. This process contains predefined phases and states.

  • Default Candidate Pool Process (CPP-DEFAULT): This process is a copy of the candidate pool process template. It contains the same predefined phases and states. This process is provided so that there's an active process in new environments. You can't make many modifications to this process because it's already active. You can use the process for your candidate pools. You can also make it inactive to use your own processes instead.

Here's what to do

  1. Define Process Properties

  2. Create Phases and States

  3. Activate the Process

Define Process Properties

When you create a candidate pool process, the first step is to define process properties.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience

    • Functional Area: Source Candidates

    • Task: Candidate Pool Management Process Configuration

  2. On the Candidate Pool Management Process Configuration page, click Create.

  3. On the Create Process page, enter process properties such as the process type, name, code, and description of the process.

  4. Click Save and Continue.

Create Phases and States

Once you've entered process property information, the details page of the candidate pool process is displayed. This is where you add phases and states for the candidate pool process.

All phases include the terminal states Rejected by Employer and Withdraw by Candidate.

  1. In the Phases section, click Create.

  2. Enter a name and a description for the phase.

  3. In the States section, click Create to add a state to the phase. When you type the name of the new state, a list of existing state names is suggested to help the reuse of existing names across processes.

  4. You can change the order of states using the up and down arrows.

  5. Click Save and Close.

Repeat the above process to create more phases and states. When you have multiple phases, you can change the order of phases using the Move Right and Move Left arrows.

Activate the Process

Once the candidate pool process is ready, you can activate it so it can be used by recruiters when they create candidate pools.

  1. On the Candidate Pool Management Process Configuration page, click the candidate pool process.

  2. Click Edit Process Properties.

  3. In the Status field, select Active.